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Couldn't attend a webinar or would like a recording for your own? Our engaging, fact-filled webinar recordings provide a convenient, cost-effective way to boost performance and sharpen skills. Here are some of our popular topics:

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Reveals hundreds of ways to find the
90% of talent available outside the LinkedIn universe.


Two 60-minute recordings (parts 1 & 2) of the most recent webinar.

More info - $149.00

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Stop the drama! Learn how to prevent counteroffers, turndowns and bailouts from robbing you of placements.


Two 60-minute recordings (parts 1 & 2) of the most recent webinar.

More info - $119.00

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Powerful strategies to recruit, handle objections, sell your services and negotiate offers.


Two 60-minute recordings (parts 1 & 2) of the most recent webinar.

More info - $119.00

All recordings include the MP4 video and audio replay, plus a PDF version of the presenter's PowerPoint slide deck.

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